Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Mutants and Masterminds Core Rulebook Arrived!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Character Stats: Frozone
"Girl, I don't wanna know about your mild-mannered alter ego or anything like that. You tell me you're a… super-mega-ultra lightning-babe, that's fine with me. I'm good. I'm good." - Frozone
(picture from Movie City News; direct link)
Long time friend of Mr Incredible, Lucius Best (aka. Frozone) is a superhero with the power to manipulate the water molecules in the air and freeze them. This power gives him the ability to freeze foes, slow them down and create platforms of ice which he can skate on. He has specially designed boots which he can transform at will into ice skates, skis, or a disc which he uses as a snowboard. He is limited only by extreme heat (in which he loses use of his powers).
Frozone, PL 10
Str 10, Dex 26, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Toughness +2/+8, Fort +10, Ref +15, Will +10
Attack: Base +6, Ranged +10, Melee +6
- Unarmed attack +6 (DC 15)
- Ice bolt +10 (DC 25)
- Snare +10 (DC Ref 20)
Defense: +12, Flat-footed +6, Initiative +16
Acrobatics 15 (+23), Bluff 10 (+13), Notice 6 (+8), Stealth 9 (+17), Survival 4 (+6)
Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (Ranged) 4, Defensive Roll 6, Distract (Bluff), Environmental Adaptation (Ice/snow) 1, Evasion 2, Favoured environment (Ice/snow) 1, Improved Initiative 2, Move-by Action, Quick Change 1, Uncanny dodge (vision, hearing)
Cold Control 10 (5000ft)
- Ice bolt (Blast 10)
- Create object 6 (ice shapes; Feat: stationary, Extra: Duration – continuous)
- Super-freeze object (Drain Toughness 10; Extra: Ranged, Flaw: Limited [objects])
- Ice slick (Environmental Control 10 – Hamper move [25%])
- Blinding snow (Environmental Control 10 – Distraction [DC 10])
- Ice bind (Snare 10)
- protective visor
- specially designed boots - change as a free action into skis, ice skates, or a disc
PP: 149
As for the rest, I figure he's very dexterous, but not that strong or tough (hence the trade-off with defense/toughness). As with Mr Incredible, I gave him distract (bluff), representing his ability to get villains "monologuing" (one of my favourite concepts from the film).
Anyway, let me know what you think. Comments, questions, ideas for improvement, things you would do differently.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Character Stats: Medic 3659

(Picture from Starcraft Wiki; credit to them; direct link to picture)
The result of an extensive secret military program to correct a perennial problem, the MediSuit program was initiated to allow medical personnel to get to injured soldiers on the battlefield, perform first aid, and evacuate the injured soldiers without being destroyed as a priority target.
The MediSuit P3-X7 model is equipped with a jet-pack allowing for superior maneouverability on the field, as well as powerful hydraulic servos allowing extraction of soldiers from under heavy objects. Massive armour plating gives protection under heavy fire, and the arm-mounted auto-cannon and missile launcher allow the MediSuit to lay down cover fire or disable attacking forces. A large array of sensor technology allows the wearer to operate in poor light conditions (even blind, using radar), as well as scan patients with IR and X-Ray on the field.
Medic 3659 is part of a cross-over program between the MediSuit Development Unit and the Genetic Engineering Department, placing genetically engineered healers (with innate healing ability, but little to no combat ability) in front-line “heal-and-retrieve” positions. With their ability to even resurrect falling soldiers, the army has noted a significant increase in soldier retention and morale.
Note: When I imagined this character concept, it started with a simple battle-suit idea, then the idea of a front-line medic came to mind, and it grew on me. In the end, I kind of envisioned the character as being somewhat like the Medics from Starcraft (also, because I have no artistic skill, that is where I went searching for my reference picture).
Medic 3659 (in MediSuit P3-X7), PL 10
Str 10/30, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 12
Toughness +10, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Attack +3 (Ranged +7, Melee +3, Grapple +13)
- Unarmed Attack +3 (DC 25)
- Auto-cannon +7 (Blast 5, DC 20)
- Homing Missile +7 (Explosive Blast 4, DC 19)
Defense +6, Flat-footed +3, Init +0
MediSuit P3-X7 (Device 17) – Restricted to use by Genetically engineered medics
- Flight 4; Alt Power: Super-Strength 4
- Auto-cannon (Blast 5, Extra: Autofire 1); Alt Power: Missile Launcher (Blast 4, Extra: Area, Explosion, Feat: Homing)
- Enhanced Strength 20
- Protection 10 (Extra: Impervious)
- Communication 6 (Radio, Feat: Subtle)
- Datalink 1 (Radio)
- Super-Senses 12 (Darkvision, Distance, Direction, Infravision, Low-light, Radio, Ultravision, X-ray)
Healing 5 (Feats: Persistent, Regrowth; Extras: Resurrection)
Hope you like it. Please post comments, let me know if/where I went wrong, how you think it could be improved, anything you'd like to see, etc.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Character Stats: Mr Incredible
"You know, I was right to idolise you. You truly are Mr Incredible!” – Syndrome
Bob Parr (a.k.a. Mr Incredible) is the superhero of superheroes. One of the iconic supers of the “old days”, Mr Incredible was admired by many around the world, and reknowned for his acts of heroism and bravery. At the time of the film (The Incredibles, Disney/Pixar), he spends his days helping customers navigate the murky world of insurance claims until he is fired for attacking his boss.
PL 10 (150 PP)
Str 30 (base 20, power 10), Dex 14, Con 30 (base 20, power 10), Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16
Toughness +14 (blunt damage, +10 normally), Fortitude +10, Reflex +10 (+2 dex, +8 ranks), Will +2
Bluff 8 (+11), Acrobatics 8 (+10), Intimidate 10 (+13), Notice 8 (+10), Profession (insurance broker) 4 (+6), Swim 6 (+26), Search 8 (+8)
Attack focus (melee) +4, Improved Initiative +1 (+4 to initiative), Power attack, Stunning attack, Endurance +2 (+8 to various saves), Quick change +1 (free action), Improved critical +3 (crit on 17-20 with unarmed attacks), Distract (bluff)
Enhanced Constitution 10, Enhanced Strength 10, Leaping 5 (25x normal leap distance), Immovable 8, Protection (Flaw: blunt damage only) 4, Super-senses (acute vision and hearing), Super-strength 9 (heavy load = 250 tons)
Attack +10 (+6 base, +4 attack focus) melee, Damage +10 (unarmed), Defense +6 (trade-off with toughness), Init +6 (+2 dex, +4 feat)
Costume (with homing device)
I love The Incredibles. It’s kind of what got me into the superhero groove I’m in. Since I started reading about M&M, I figured I could practice creating a few characters and get used to the system by statting out some of the characters from The Incredibles.
I gave him a toughnes/defense trade-off, because while he’s not that hard to hit, he’s very tough to take down and damage.
I gave him ranks in Bluff, and the Distract (bluff) feat to represent his ability to get villains “monologuing”.
Mr Incredible is very hard hitting, with a high strength, attack focus, power attack, stunning attack, and 3 ranks in improved critical.
Total PP = 149 (I think/hope)
Look forward to more Incredibles characters, when I get time.
P.S. The Incredibles, Mr Incredible, pictures, logos, symbols, colours, concepts, ideas, and so on, are the exclusive rights of Disney/Pixar/Dark Horse comics, and noone else.