By looking at his tutorials and doing a bit of random experimenting of my own, here is Victoria, trying to fly like a superhero.

Through my own bumbling efforts, and looking around their website, it seems like the makers of DAZ are developing a tool to allow common people without masses of free time and training into the world of 3D imaging. It doesn't take much time or effort to do, and doesn't look 100% amazing, but the results are satisfying and look good enough to get a simple point across. Considering the above image took me about 10 minutes (less than the time taken to download and install the program), and cost me $0, I'm not unhappy.
Maestro out.
1 comment:
Good work my friend - much better than my own first attempts many moons ago.
Welcome to a darned addictive hobby. Yes, another one. :D
My blogger Word Verification is "doweed". Draw your own conclusions.....
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